Tuesday, September 15, 2015

NEW Missionaries with their NEW Trainers.

2 of our new missionaries were not
able to have their picture taken with
their new companion because their
companions are over in Tutuila and
they were not able to get flights on
transfer day.  Sorry


  1. My wife and I will be spending about 4 months in Apia this spring (Feb through June). I will be on sabbatical from Utah Valley University. We are looking for a place to live and wondering if you might have a lead for us. I will be teaching at National University and my wife is interested in volunteering with the mission, temple, or school. If you have someone we could contact my email address is marcusj.usa@gmail.com.
    -Marc & Gayle Jorgensen

  2. mamie@mail.postmanllc.net

  3. [Sayang UMP]
    Let us join our hands together and support “SayangUMP” Campaign.

